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Disciple Want to Be One?

picture of the word disciple

Did you know that Jesus called all of us to be Disciples? Do you know what a disciple is? 
A disciple is a Christian who is learning to become more and more like Jesus.

When you become a disciple your life starts on a journey to discover God’s plan for you and the world. God has a story that he has laid out in his Word. It is a Love story between Him and His people. He wants us to know his plan and he wants us to be an active part in it. Life has a purpose. People spend thousands of dollars with psychiatrists trying to determine why they are alive, what is their role in this world, what value they are? The Bible will teach you all of that and more. 

If you have become a Christian by repenting of your sins, recognizing you need a savior, and making Jesus your Lord, then you have stepped into the story God has determined for you. He has an amazing and unique plan just for you. Your name is on it, it is tailored for your life. You now have the power to make the choice of learning to become a disciple. Begin with the journey of starting to know HIM, learn to know yourself, and find out the role he has for you to play.  How do you do it? 

Recognize that you are to have a renewed mind in Christ. He died on the cross but he also rose three days later. He rose to give you life and the ability to grow to be like him. Disciples start to change the way they think, act, and feel as they grow closer in relationship to Christ. Line yourself up with people who are like you, other Christ believers who are seeking to grow like Him. People who love God and all that he has given us. Attend a Bible teaching Church not just “church”.  God has left his personality and story of who he is in his Bible.  You have to get into it to know who He is. You have to find out who Jesus is for yourself and come to understand the Love that he has for you and how he wants you to be the best you that you can be. 

Even more he did not say you had to do this by yourself!  It is not by the strength of your WILL. Did you know that he left you a helper to assist you as you start this journey? The Holy Spirit was given to you as a seal of promise and he will give you the strength to become more like Christ every day. Trust Him, Lean on Him, and Seek him. 

IF you have not accepted Jesus as Lord, you do not have to be left out of this promise. You can be a part of this story, you do not have to be alone in the world wondering where you fit in. He is always at the door knocking waiting for you to let Him in. He Loves you more than anything you could imagine, the real you, with the warts, hurts, pains, doubts, deeds and all the other things you may think keep you from coming to Him. 

Come Join Our Family of Disciples we need YOU!


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Wisdom Corner .........................

Explore: Just as you study math, history, English etc. to get a degree. To know the Lord and what he has for you. You must learn the character of God through the word of God. You must seek him in teaching and fellowship. I am listing teaching ministries that will provide you videos and bible studies to help you learn about a life with God and a victory with Jesus. Work as hard for a relationship with him, that will bring you peace, comfort, and joy, as you do for other things in your life. We promise it will change your life!

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