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You say I am Broken! I say Amen!

Brokenness can mean a lot of different things to different people. Today we say we are broken if we experience heartbreak, physical illness, depression, divorce, abuse, and any number of other painful experiences of life. We feel a sense of defeat, a level of pain that makes us feel we cannot go on. A depression that settles in and blocks our happiness.


Sometimes we use brokenness as an excuse to “not” do something or become something, a barrier to fulfilling our dreams or moving forward, out of that place of hurt and pain.


Brokenness is something that we experience in life for many reasons. We can talk about it on many levels, but today let us talk about Spiritual Brokenness and why it happens to us.


One of the reasons Jesus came to the earth was to send us a helper, a comforter, and a way to heal and be set free from our brokenness. When we walk with the Lord, we do not have to do it alone.


When we talk about Brokenness with God, we are talking about getting rid of your old life, old, pain, old thinking and becoming a new person in Christ. How do we do that?


We must be broken in areas of our life that hinder us from changing. We must get rid of the lies that we heard our entire life, spoken to us, or over us. We must realize that what someone did to you was on them, not because of something you did or asked for. You must be renewed.

Sometimes that means remembering something painful that happened to you. Looking at it in truth with the Love of Christ and the spirit right there with you.


It is like an old beat-up car that you fell in love with the moment you saw it. You buy that car with all its defects, missing parts, and stinking smell. In your mind you see a beautiful shiny new car and you are willing to put the work into making it as it should be. Beautiful and New.

That is how Jesus sees us when we come to him. Sometimes we think we are this rotten, dysfunctional, unclean person because of our life and who we think we are, and the sins that we have committed. But Jesus sees through all that to the clean, beautiful person that he can now put his love, thoughts, and ways into.


Just as you would restore the car, Jesus wants to restore you. He starts to take your painful experiences apart, piece by piece, healing the wounds, making you remember and confront those things that hinder you. Working through layer by layer each level of brokenness to bring new life into your situations.


The process is not easy and can be painful, but the result is a new you, made in the likeness of Jesus and giving you a sense of freedom and joy that you will never forget.


Just as you would fix the car by wiping it clean, fixing the dull spots, repairing the engine, putting on a new fresh coat of paint, and ultimately creating that new shiny car you dreamed of all along. Jesus is doing the same with you. Spiritual Brokenness is a blessing from our Lord to grow us and change us.

To set us Free from the past, the hurt and sorrow that this life can bring. It is not in your might but his that you will be redeemed and comforted. Walk with the Lord not away from Him!


2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

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